
Genetic and technological insights at FORGENIUS’ upcoming public webinar

6 December 2024

In December 2024, the fifth edition of the public webinar series of the FORGENIUS project will take place. Funded under the Horizon 2020 scheme, FORGENIUS’ primary goal lies in improving access to forest genetic resources information and services for end-users. Via innovative technologies and interdisciplinary knowledge, the project is working to improve the quality of genetic conservation across Europe.

FORGENIUS’ public webinars are meant to present tits topics and outputs to a wider audience. In this installment, the focus will be on Earth observation technologies and gene-based paradigms in the domain of forest protection. In that sense, some of the latest technological and scientific insights will be showcased in an endeavour to bridge the gap between data abundance and actionable approaches. 

The webinar will take place on 12 December from 15:00 to 16:00 CET. You can register via this link