D6.2 Synthesis of policy and stakeholder requirements at EU level relevant for the forestry sector
D2.2 European forest composition and structure maps
D2.3 Drivers of forest disturbances in Europe
D2.5 Map data products
D4.1 Material flow analysis results
D1.3 Decision rules, parameters and narratives for modelling
The goal is to elicit visions of European forests and the forest-based sector and policy actions to achieve them
D3.1 Enhanced and evaluated forest ecosystem models
D3.3 Biodiversity and ecosystem services model
D2.4 High conservation value forests in Europe
D3.2 Fully calibrated agent-based model of European forest owners
D3.4 Recommendations for considering implications of forest management in IAMs/ESMs
D4.3 Database with the substitution and biodiversity factors
The goal is to critically examine initial pathways results
D6.3 Narrative analysis of main policy pathways
D5.1 Simulation framework and database structure
D5.2 Land use & management, climate mitigation potential and policy actions for European forests
D5.3 Overall mitigation potential of forest-based products and energy in the bioeconomy
D5.4 Effective forest management options securing biodiversity and ecosystem provisions in Europe and globally
D4.4 New impact assessment method for biogenic carbon and biodiversity in LCA
The goal is to provide policy recommendations derived from the pathway analysis and evaluation
D5.5 Policy pathways, trade-offs/co-benefits
Official launch of the platform
D6.4 Synthesis of policy pathways results and policy recommendations
D6.1 Policy Engagement Forum’s activities