

Next generation of European forest disturbance maps based on the Landsat archive

Authors: Viana-Soto A., Senf C.

Status: In Preparation
Year: 2023

Journal paper

Spatial patterns of biomass change across Finland in 2009–2015

Authors: Haakana M., Tuominen S., Heikkinen J., Peltoniemi M., Lehtonen A.

Status: Published
Year: 2023
Journal: ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Volume/Issue: 8
Pages: 100036


EFISCEN-Space 1.0 model documentation and manual

Authors: Schelhaas M-J., Hengeveld G., Filipek S., König L., Lerink B., Staritsky I., de Jong A., Nabuurs G-J.

Status: Published
Year: 2022
Volume/Issue: 3220
Place: Report / Wageningen Environmental Research