
Journal paper

Actual European forest management by region, tree species and owner based on 714,000 re-measured trees in national forest inventories

Authors: Schelhaas M-J., Fridman J., Hengeveld G.M., Henttonen H.M., Lehtonen A., Kies U., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2018
Journal: PLoS ONE
Volume/Issue: 13
Pages: e0207151

Journal paper

Adaptation of global land use and management intensity to changes in climate and atmospheric carbon dioxide

Authors: Alexander P., Rabin S., Anthoni P., Henry R., Pugh T.A.M., Rounsevell M.D.A., Arneth A.

Status: Published
Year: 2018
Journal: Global Change Biology
Volume/Issue: 24
Pages: 2791–2809


Independent Monitoring: Building trust and consensus around GHG data for increased accountability of mitigation in the land use sector Final

Authors: Böttcher H., Herrmann L., Herold M., Romijn E., Román-Cuesta R., Avitabile V., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2018
Publisher: European Commission


Substitution effects of wood-based products in climate change mitigation

Authors: Leskinen P., Cardellini G., Gonzalez-Garcia S., Hurmekoski E., Sathre R., Seppälä J., Smyth C., Stern T., Verkerk P.J.

Status: Published
Year: 2018
Place: From Science to Policy 7

Journal paper

Data-mining analysis of the global distribution of soil carbon in observational databases and Earth system models

Authors: Hashimoto S., Nanko K., Ťupek B., Lehtonen A.

Status: Published
Year: 2017
Journal: Geoscientific Model Development
Volume/Issue: 10
Pages: 1321–1337

Journal paper

Hotspots of uncertainty in land-use and land-cover change projections: a global-scale model comparison

Authors: Prestele R., Alexander P., Rounsevell M., Arneth A., Calvin K., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2016
Journal: Global Change Biology
Volume/Issue: 22
Pages: 3967–3983


Data sharing tools adopted by the European Biodiversity Observation Network Project

Authors: Smirnova L., Mergen P., Groom Q., De Wever A., Penev L., Stoev P., Pe’er I., Runnel V., Camacho A., Vincent T., Agosti D., Arvanitidis C., Bonet F., Saarenmaa H.

Status: Published
Year: 2016
Volume/Issue: 2
Publisher: Research Ideas and Outcomes
Pages: e9390

Journal paper

Sustainability of forest bioenergy in Europe: land-userelated carbon dioxide emissions of forest harvest residues

Authors: Repo A., Böttcher H., Kindermann G., Liski J.

Status: Published
Year: 2015
Journal: GCB Bioenergy
Volume/Issue: 7
Pages: 877-887

Journal paper

Implications of incorporating N cycling and N limitations on primary production in an individual-based dynamic vegetation model

Authors: Smith B., Wårlind D., Arneth A., Hickler T., Leadley P., Siltberg J., Zaehle S.

Status: Published
Year: 2014
Journal: Biogeosciences
Volume/Issue: 11
Pages: 2027–2054

Journal paper

Improved access to integrated biodiversity data for science, practice, and policy - the European Biodiversity Observation Network (EU BON)

Authors: Hoffmann A., Penner J., Vohland K., Cramer W., Doubleday R., Henle K., Kõljalg U., Kühn I., Kunin W., Negro J., Penev L., Rodríguez C., Saarenmaa H., Schmeller D., Stoev P., Sutherland W., Ó Tuama É., Wetzel F., Häuser C.

Status: Published
Year: 2014
Journal: Nature Conservation
Volume/Issue: 6
Pages: 49–65

Journal paper

Combining qualitative and quantitative understanding for exploring cross-sectoral climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability in Europe

Authors: Harrison P.A., Holman I.P., Cojocaru G., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2012
Journal: Regional Environmental Change
Volume/Issue: 13
Pages: 761-780

Journal paper

From taxonomic literature to cybertaxonomic content

Authors: Miller J., Dikow T., Agosti D., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2012
Journal: BMC Biology
Volume/Issue: 10
Pages: 87

Journal paper

The data paper: a mechanism to incentivize data publishing in biodiversity science

Authors: Chavan V., Penev L.

Status: Published
Year: 2011
Journal: BMC Bioinformatics
Volume/Issue: 12
Pages: 2-12

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Journal paper

Production and detection of cold antihydrogen atoms

Authors: Amoretti M., Amsler C., Bonomi G., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2002
Journal: Nature
Volume/Issue: 419
Pages: 456–459